No Turning back
19 July, 2018
Im outside with my best friend Gabrielle admiring a beautifully restored old volvo, mustard yellow with a burgundy roof. I think its so beautifully detailed we decide to take it for a drive, Gabrielle is driving and we are on the open freeway. She is going through the gear changes and wanting to go from 4th to 5th gear and there is a terrible grinding noise as the gear won’t engage she tries again its awful and say Gaye I think thats reverse I’m pretty sure there is no 5th gear in an old car, we both peer at the gear shift knob - yep its reverse then we just cruise along and take the car off the highway onto a country road, handles well great suspension.

A friendship and adventure
Open road
Now but vintage car
Mustard yellow
Volvo car
Curious admiration